The Benefits of Reading Blogs

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I used to think I didn't have the time to read blogs.

I thought:
I would get distracted spending too much time reading instead of writing.
It would be shallow to subscribe or like/comment on blogs for the purpose of getting my name out there to build my own platform.
I would inadvertently copy someone else's thoughts or get stuck with "why didn't I think of that?
Then I realized the value.

Variety breaks up monotony. Subscribe to blogs that spark your interest, even if it's not in your genre. I have chosen no more than 5 since I need to limit my reading time. As I've taken the time to read, it's helped me grow as a writer. A cooking blog showing a picture of a tasty, winter soup makes you remember Sunday dinner at grandma's, adding the next chapter to your book.

Perspective can get stale. It's easy to get locked into one way of thinking about things. Let the perspective of others help you grow but don't lose your voice in the process. I am thankful for the black-and-white thinkers out there who keep me focused on my goals. But I'm also thankful for the writers who think there is more than one way to reach a goal.

Community is good for us. We're wired for it. Some of us need interaction more than others, but even if you prefer less, you still need it! The exchange of ideas and support keeps us going. But don't forget to give it, too. This is how relationships are built. Be thoughtful about your comments on blogs. Don't just comment or "like" just to get noticed.

Do you read blogs? What kind? Please share how it has helped your writing in the comment section below.Via writersonthemove

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