Nazi beach resort ruin transforms into luxury playground

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One of the biggest relics left behind by the Nazis, the giant beachfront indoctrination camp, Prora Complex, is being turned into luxury apartments near Binz, north-eastern Germany
� AFP/File Tobias Schwarz

Prora (Germany) (AFP) - One of the biggest relics left behind by the Nazis is undergoing a radical transformation on a German island, harnessing a property boom to become a luxury tourist destination.

Developers are now bringing to life the hulking grey ruin at Prora where Adolf Hitler failed to realise his dream of a giant beachfront indoctrination camp.

The planned resort has once again entangled economic interests with historical memory in Germany, where the past looms large at evocative sites across the country and a generation of survivors is dying off.

The original complex was intended for up to 20,000 Germans as part of the Third Reich's so-called Strength Through Joy propaganda programme, whose other lasting achievement was the Volkswagen Beetle "people's car".

Recreation and hearty exercise would have been coupled with on-site ideological teaching to build loyalty to the Nazis and strong racial identity among the "Aryan" working class.

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