What Is Eschatology In The New Testament

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Eschatology is the part devoted in The Bible to the study of the end of time, the return of Jesus and other such accounts. The subjects of eschatology include the Rapture, the Resurrection, the Millennium, the Tribulation, the Binding of Satan, Armageddon, the Final Judgment, the New Earth and the New Heaven.

The eschatological details in the New Testament are found in Mark 13, Mathew 24, Luke 17, 2 Thessalonians, and particularly, the Revelation.

Approaches to Eschatology Study:

They are based mostly on contents of the Revelation.

Preterism: It is a viewpoint that all prophecies have been fulfilled in the past, particularly during the First century. According to this, the prophecy in the Revelation has been fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Partial Preterism holds that most prophecies have been fulfilled in the lifetime of Jesus and the early church, and Full Preterism holds that all Bible prophecies have been fulfilled in the same period.
Historicism: This approach considers that the Book of Revelation is symbolic of the struggle of Protestantism to endure the persecution of the papacy. Events like the Great Tribulation are viewed as occurring in the period of supremacy of the Pope in the period 538 to 1798 AD.
Futurism: Most events are still waiting to happen like the end of the world and end of the age. This view says that most prophecies will bear fruit during a period of global chaos termed the Great Tribulation.
Idealism: There is a symbolic interpretation of the Book of Revelation and other eschatological material in the Bible. Some of these viewpoints interpret events on an existential level. For example, they consider the Beast and Babylon to signify an era of social injustices.
Death and Afterlife:

The Catholic Church holds that every person gets his eternal retribution for his immortal soul, at the instant of his death and either gets entry to heaven (either immediately or after purification) or will be condemned to hell. Via jesusholybible

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