The 0 Pyramid Scheme - My close encounter with the scam vacuum.

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Many people out there want to get rich quick. Sure, that�s a good thought. The perfect fantasy. The only problem is that it�s ONLY a thought. Nothing else.

The get rich quick scheme is the pitch for so many of the scams that are out there. They sell you a pitch, get you sucked in, then take your money and leave. For some unfortunate victims, they�re left high and dry. Deep in debt because of the scam vacuum.

Now I want to share with you an experience of a scam that I almost got sucked into. It was with a company that I later found to be a pyramid scheme. I am not telling you the name of this company, for the name is not important. This company is just one of the many DS Max spin offs found all over the country. In other words, this name could be any of those fishy businesses out there.

To begin my story, I had an interview for this business down state. With that, I drove all the way to this business and got the interview. It was your basic interview, only they interviewed people in groups of two.

After the interview, they asked me to come back another day for something that they call a �day of observation� . I agreed on doing this. I went back home.

On the �day of observation�, I came back to the business. I was curious on how this �day of observation� worked. I rode with two other people in the back, with two people in the front. They dumped us off at one part of town.

Our �mission� was to go from door to door and sell these coupon books. We went to houses and different businesses doing this, all day long.

During that time, I was supposed to memorize their rules and the chart that they used for promoting people. I did so and recited it to them.

That night, we were picked up and were drove back to the business. I was told by one of the people I was with that I was hired. This kind of made me happy. I drove home, totally satisfied.

The next day, I did some research on the business. I discovered the truth: they were a scam. All that built up hype for nothing. With that, I called them up and quit their team.

Don�t get me wrong. There are real business opportunities out there on the internet. While there are scams like that out there, there are some legitimate businesses that won�t waste your time and money. All you have to do is look carefully for them, like I did.

With my story, there is a happy ending. I was able to find a legitimate business. The name of this business is GeneWize. They are a life sciences business with a lot of potential for growth and a great training and mentorship program.

If you are serious about finding a real business opportunity on the internet, search carefully and beware of the scams. You WILL find what you�re looking for if you look hard enough!