Key repogramming G7

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1 open door, take key out...

2 insert and remove key from ignition 2 times

3 close and open driver's door 2 times

4 insert and remove key from ignition

5 close and open driver's door 2 times

6 insert key into ignition

7 close door

8 turn ignition from 'lock' to 'on' and back to 'lock'

if you do step #8

  • 1 time it's for add mode - TO ADD A NEW KEY FOB TO THE SYSTEM
  • 2 times for rewrite mode - TO ERASE ALL STORED FOBS ON THE SYSTEM
  • 3 times for confirmation mode - NOT 100% BUT I THINK IT'S TO CONFIRM YOUR REMOTE IS STORED.
  • 4 times for prohibition mode - TO TURN OFF ALARM SYSTEM

9 remove key

10 then door lock will cycle 'lock' and 'unlock' a number of times corresponding to your key cycles in step #8

11 press lock and unlock button together for 1 ~ 1.5 sec then release

12 then within 3 sec press lock button for 1 sec then release

13 if you did correctly door lock will cycle once...

if wrong, twice... then do it over...

For Imobiliser encoding if you can't start the car.

1. Simultaneously depress and then release BRAKE & ACCELERATOR Pedal 1 time 2. Insert existing master key* into ignition do not turn the key 3. Within 15 secs depress & release ACCELERATOR pedal 5 times (be sharp and firm) 4. Within 20 secs depress & release BRAKE pedal 6 times (be sharp and firm) 5. Remove Key 6. Within 10 secs insert new key into ignition do not turn the key. 7. Within 10 sces depress and release ACELERATOR pedal 1 time 8. After 60-80 secs Security light will stop flashing, and new key is registered 9. Take out key and depress and release BRAKE peadal 1 time 10.Key should now start car

  • make sure you have the master key and not the valet key, the master key will turn out the security light straight away, the valet will glow red then go out, do not use this one, I was successful with a normal key fob too as long as when you put the key in the security light goes out straight away.