Temptation of Jesus

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In the Bible, particularly the Synoptic Gospels, there is a clear account of the temptation of Jesus Christ. After his Baptism by John the Baptist, Jesus goes into the wilderness to fast for 40 days and 40 nights after which He was tempted by the Devil.

The account in Mathew 4: 1-11 is as follows:

The Spirit led Jesus to the wilderness to undergo temptation by the Devil. He fasted for 40 days and nights, after which he was hungry. Satan approached Jesus and asked him to turn the stones around them into bread if he was the Son of God.Jesus replied quoting the scriptures that man should not exist by bread alone, rather by every word that emanates from God.

The second temptation was thus: The Devil led Jesus to the Holy City and stood beside him at the tallest point of the Temple. The Devil put Jesus to testcommanding him to throw himself down because if he were the true Son of God, God would command his angels to lift him up, so that even his feet would not dash against a stone. Jesus gave a reply, again quoting the scripture- ‘Do not put your Lord God to the test.’

In the third temptation, the Devil took Jesus to the top of a mountain where they could view all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. He tried to lure Jesus by saying that all these kingdoms could become his if he bows down and worships him. Jesus ordered Satan to leave him alone and said that God desired that everyone should worship only him and serve him. Then the devil left Jesus and angels came and ministered to him.

The account of the Temptation of Jesus is very small in Mark, but the details of the conversation between Satan and Jesus are clearly given in Mathew and Luke. But the temptation of Christ is not given explicitly in the Gospel of John. Read Full From jesusholybible