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That's not to say these are bad judges, they are probably dads or males who would like to be fathers and think about themselves to be deserving characters. However, to my thoughts, mothers and fathers are completely different, and even the best father in the world will not be in a position to give his kid the instinctive nurturing that comes so naturally to ladies.

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Dennis Dodd from CBS Sportsline throws out this zinger at Ty Willingham and Charlie Weis. The zinger aside this win was really a powerful statement of exactly where Washington and Steve Sarkisian are heading with each other. Some school coaches like Weis never get a win like this and Sark picks it up in his third week. As for Willingham his biggest wins at UW had been against Boise State and Cal. He arrived near against USC twice but never closed the offer, Destiny is a fickle mistress.

The scandals aren't just relegated to American politicians and their mistresses. Began to allow April, Finnish foreign minister Ilkka Kanerva was forced from his position after it came to light that she originally lied about some 200 texts he deliver to exotic dancer, Johanna Tukiainen. Although he broke no Finnish laws, Kanerva's lying, plus he happened to be in the exact texting scandal in 2005, was throughout the public and his political compatriots could select.

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Time. All Tiger Woods needs is probably time. Incorporate a couple tournament wins and Tiger Woods, although a bit staggered and also his overall reputation a bit tarnished by month-long media onslaught, can put the whole of the scandal behind him (except for the tabloids and also the occasional update of the impending divorce). The buying public will forgive and forget (somewhat). And although by far the greatest golfer might must take a considerable cut (or not) as part of his next Nike contract associated with it, if you don't doubt presently there will be one.

Who end up being the women of this Tiger Woods scandal? Utilizing total count eclipsing 12, it would certainly be nice when the women would all get together and market a date. Can you imagine how well that would sell? couple of years of the girls of Competition? Better yet, the actual Tiger Woods women list reaches 18 someone could create an 18 month calendar - a year and one half of Tiger's scandal.

I believe not. I am certain that a dog advantages when he can keep up his partnership with his "other" substantial other. After all, it is not the dog who split up from his mistress or master, it is mistress and grasp who decided to go independent ways.

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Jan. 17, 2013: Probably the most sensational infidelity scandal going to the tabloids in years was that Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren. As his countless mistresses surfaced, his wife drifted in the shadows, saying nothing as her lawyers leaked her thoughts towards the press. What to do now is excellent? Reconciliation! Truth or tabloid fiction?