Strong U.S. employment report brightens economic outlook

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More than a million Turks gathered in Istanbul on Sunday for a rally called by President Tayyip Erdogan to denounce a failed coup - a show of strength staged in the face of Western criticism of widespread purges and detentions.

employment rose more than expected for the second month in a row in July and wages picked up, bolstering expectations of faster economic growth, and raising the probability of a Federal Reserve interest rate increase this year.

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" Strangely, he didn't seem too happy about it. It looked like he'd hooked into the giant catfish we called "Old Granddad! But this time, he was holding onto the boom beach cheats, his legs pointed downstream. I looked to my left and saw Spider going into the river again.

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When we'd hauled Spider back onto the boom, his drenched red hair and beard made him look like a large waterlogged orangutan�and an angry orangutan. I didn't see how he could blame me for his carelessness, but he didn�t seem to be in the mood to discuss it. Seems he'd also dropped his pole in the water when he decided to go for a swim.

Treasury dealers who do business directly with the Fed, 13 said the U. central bank would raise its target interest rate by a quarter percentage point by the end of the year, compared with 8 of 15 primary dealers in a July 8 poll.

But a broad measure of unemployment that includes people who want to work but have given up searching and those working part-time because they cannot find full-time employment rose one-tenth of a percentage point to 9.

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Manufacturing sector employment increased by 9,000 jobs in July after adding 15,000 positions in June. Construction payrolls rose 14,000 following three consecutive months of declines. Mining shed a further 7,000 jobs in July.

With both hours and hourly earnings rising, workers' take-home pay shot up 0. 5 hours in July, the most since January. 3 percent increase in average hourly earnings left the year-on-year gain at 2. The average workweek increased by 0.

"The July jobs report was everything you could have asked for and more. Provided the strength in jobs is confirmed with other economic data, the Fed will have sufficient reason to hike (rates) this year," said Michelle Meyer, a senior economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in New York.

Erdogan, a polarizing figure seen by opponents as intolerant of dissent, has invited the heads of the secularist and nationalist main opposition parties to address the crowds in a display of national unity in defiance of Western criticism.

Temporary-help jobs, a harbinger of future hiring, increased 17,000. Government employment increased by 38,000 jobs as state and local authorities stepped up hiring of teachers. Healthcare and social assistance payrolls rose by 48,800 jobs, extending the prior month's hefty gains.

Professional and business services, a high wage sector, added a strong 70,000 jobs last month, the most since last October. Retail sector employment increased by 14,700 jobs and payrolls in the leisure and hospitality sector rose by 45,000.

But it was also the first time in decades that major opposition parties joined a rally in support of the government in the nation of almost 80 million. Banners read "You are a gift from God, Erdogan" or "Order us to die and we will do it".

"We're here to show that theses flags won't come down, the call to prayer won't be silenced, and our country won't be divided," said Haci Mehmet Haliloglu, 46, a civil servant who traveled from the Black Sea town of Ordu for the rally.

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