Oil change G7

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Parts Required: Oil recommended for Gen 7 - Motul 300V Power Racing 5w-30 or Silkolene Pro SS Toyota Filter - Part No. T90915-10004 Gsk, Drain Plug - Part No: T90430-12031


[b](1) Make sure that the engine oil is warm, but I've done it fairly hot before, so just be careful.

(2) Make sure your car is on a hard, flat surface to ensure jacking stability.

(3) (i) Jack up the car with a decent trolleyjack (e.g Clarke). Here is a link to show the jacking and stand points on the Celica


(ii) Ensure that you use 2 stands underneath either side of the chassis by the wheels, and carefully lower the jack until the car is horizontally stable.

(4) Take the oil cap off the top of the engine as this will aid draining of the sump.

(5) Now remove the bottom engine plastics. There should be a seperate panel underneath on the drivers side that needs removing especially for oil changes. This is removed by taking off those annoying popping clips.

(6) This will expose the sump and filter

(7) (i) Using a socket set with a 14mm attachment, carefully unscrew the sump plug (anticlockwise) 85% of the way, until you ready to catch the oil into an appropriate container.

N.B Remember that 4.5L of oil is going to come out at some force, so be careful and make sure you have some matting or old blankets down to cover the drive.

(ii) Take the last few turns of the sump plug off by hand, and let the oil drain into the container. Keep an eye on the container, as the flow of oil is likely to move as the sump empties. The used oil should be taken to a garage or refuse disposal site where it can be properly disposed of.

(iii) Now go and have a cup of tea while it drains completely. You may wish to lower the car carefully back down so the car is completely horizontal.

( 8 ) Carefully unscrew the oil filter (should be anti-clockwise) with either your hands if this is possible, or use an appropriate oil filter remover (Halfords etc). Keep the filter upright, and again catch/pour the filter contents into your bucket/container.

(9) Get the new filter and fill it 3/4 full or so with brand new oil, and wipe a thin layer of oil around the rubber seal of the new oil filter to ensure a perfect contact.

(10) Screw the filter into position hand tight as physically possible (clockwise), do not use any tools.

(11) Remove the old gasket seal, and replace it with the new one you should have purchased.

(12) Now you need to put the clean sump plug back into position with the new gasket seal, and make it secure (don't over tighten) with a socket set.

(13) Fill the engine with 4.3L of oil using a funnel or very careful pouring. You don't want to spill this onto the engine block as it makes a right mess. Check that the filter, sump plug, oil cap are secure. Now you need to restart the car and leave it running for a couple of minutes

(14) Switch off the engine, and now go back under the car and check that there are no leaks or spillages from either the filter or the sump.

(15) Ramp back up, remove stands and gentley lower back into position.

(16) Now check the oil level, using the dip stick. Add additional oil if required.