Clutch Fluid Guide

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Revision as of 17:55, 21 October 2007 by Alistair_GT (talk | contribs)

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Parts List

  • Bottle of new dot3/4 brake fluid
  • 8mm Ring Spanner
  • Piece of tube that fits on the bleed nipple
  • Syringe
  • Container to catch old fluid
  • Assistant

Change it the same way you would the brakes, first suck all the old fluid out of the clutch reservoir with the syringe(the small reservoir to the right of the brake fluid reservoir)
Fill reservoir with new fluid
Open the clutch bleed nipple (8mm ring spanner) on the front of the gearbox (facing you when you open the bonnet)
Put the piece of tube on the nipple and point it into your container.
Get your assistant to press the clutch pedal down and back up 3 times and stay pressed down on the 3rd (btw you have to pull the clutch up with your foot, it wont return like normal)
Close the bleed nipple while your assistant has the clutch pedal flat to the floor.
Refill the reservoir back to the full mark and repeat the previous two steps until clean new fluid comes out of your tube.
Job done

All being well your clutch will now be smoother than you ever thourght possible, enjoy!

--Alistair_GT 01:44, 10 October 2007 (BST)