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CelicaBabe last won the day on May 26 2022

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About CelicaBabe

  • Birthday 18/06/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Co Durham
  • Interests
    My husband Waveydavey
  • Model
    Gen 6 SS-II

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  1. I presumed Adam or Simon would have also, we did share it on our Facebook page but thought the lads would have posted up about it to be honest on here
  2. Thats terrible given you’ve set up redirection, that’s the bloody point. Honestly what they like.
  3. Have you moved far? Can you check another time when they might be in over the weekend or anything? Or do you have a re-route on your post set up? Surely they would let you have your post if you have only just moved?
  4. Hi, it was definitely posted from what I can see. Did you get your shipped email (poss in your junk). Can you PM Old Red and confirm the address as he posted them. If not we can get another one posted out to you. Thanks
  5. We’ve never sold this many so quickly after going on sale. Fantastic
  6. Great explanation and worded much better than myself Dave is the expect and knows the correct terminology like Sheila He was going to pop online and basically write the above but hasn't had chance yet.
  7. Thanks Amanda Off the top of my head I’m sure we only received 1 photo of jello with another car next to it who I can’t remember who it was but the qaulity wasn’t great and the sizing might have been an issue too but I can’t remember. Try and make sure she gets some good photos this year and send them across for the next one. We are keeping the email open all year for photos to be sent so I’m hoping after each show or meet people will send photos across Thanks Jan, the memorial page was a pleasure to do, we really wanted to do something that meant a lot to members and just seemed very fitting for this years calendar. Just a shame we have lost such great people Just so you all know, we have sent a calendar ( free of charge of course) to the family members of those on the memorial page, I was in touch with them while the calendar was being designed and they were all very supportive
  8. It’s just getting ridiculous to be honest, I know people appreciate it mostly but you still have no real idea the amount of work that goes into it ontop of our own full time jobs and home life, we were up till gone 1am most nights for days over the course of several weeks making sure this calendar was available and to then have to defend it time after time is just getting stupid and not really worth the hassle. Dave did all the designing and selecting photos, I sort through emails, save them and rename into members files etc. It’s a joint effort but a lot of the work is down to Dave and im not going to sit here and not defend him because it’s his hard work. Each year we give you more and more info, you’re all adults I shouldn’t really have to go into that much. We state every year that we will try to include everyone but again it’s not guaranteed and we try out best, simple as that. I didn’t want to comment again but I’m getting pretty fed up. Just to add.... I don’t want anyone to fall out over this, it’s not worth it. It’s a New year, let’s enjoy the calendar for what it is and let’s look forward another great year with CCUK While we have your attention....don’t forget about the annual party on the 26th. I want to see as many of you there as possible
  9. Just to clarify on the memorial page: The ones we requested were the memorial photos and we decided not to use the ones from meets as the page looked too clustered so we decided to simplify the page and keep it to 1 photo of the member and 2 of the car where possible (we couldn’t get a photo of Simon unfortunately) We wanted to have as many photos as possible so that we could have a few options/variations for the memorial page to decide which looked best. Im not going into any more detail on the subject.
  10. Not entirely accurate, I did say that and I also said I can get Dave to go back over your photos and give you feedback if you want me to and you never replied. I didn’t know you hadn’t been in it previously either as don’t look back at previous lists. It’s time consuming enough without having to check if everyone has been in a previous year so it’s not something I check. Bullet point 4 in the first post does say try and be creative and think about the photo. But to clarify a few points for everyone for future photos: Images which are already cropped can’t be used as Dave has to crop them further so even more of the photo/car is removed. Please try and avoid items around the car or people in the background. Just the car please. We don’t tend to use interior photos, engine bay photos or people. We try and keep it simply the cars as a whole. We want people to think about the photo, if there are people around the car wait till it’s clear or ask them politely if they could move. If you’re taking a photo on the driveway with the wheelie bin next to it...take the car for a drive and find a nice location wheelie bin free. if photos aren’t used they just aren’t suitable for whatever reason and it’s nothing personal about the car, the owner or whatever. I can fully appreciate the disappointment for anyone who hasn’t made it in but from our point of view we are just trying to do the best calendar possible and it’s not a quick process believe me. There is an incredible amount of time and hard work that goes into the calendar, Daves extremely good at what he does and is very professional. There is always going to be someone who isn’t happy and all I can do is apologise again. I would encourage people to send as many photos as possible, this year we are going to be accepting photos all year round too!! I don’t like disappointing members and I certainly don’t want anyone annoyed but there isn’t much else I can do apart from apologise again and just ask you all to try and send the best photos possible. Dawn
  11. Will be available to pre-order tomorrow in the club shop - ill post up in here when they go live in the shop
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