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It is a sad day when a top bloke passes away, it is a Very Black day when a truely awe inspiring bloke passes. It is with a very heavy heart I write this morning. Sadly Perry Byrnes (Perry190) passed away during the weekend. He was an inspiration both directly and indirectly to most people on here. He helped and supported many of us and was always there when you needed him.

Perry was one of the senior / founder members of the club and I first met him around 4 -5 years ago. At one of our first club meets even back then he had the most modified car and during the proceeding years he continued to be a leader in the modifying field. He first started with the Thrnder Grey beast, which then turned blue, he then moved onto an MR2 which was duely modded including a very awesome PE turbo. He then moved onto a GT4 which was possibly the quickest transofrmation ever and was a beautiful car. After this Pezzer decided to calm down a bit and moved onto a Porsche Boxter. The draw of the darkside was too much for him and he even improved the looks of an already awesome looking car. His current project is a widebody MR2 and as a mark of respect and a tribute to Perry a group of us are going to complete this car for JAE.

Pezzer you were a true inspiration to me and your passing is a huge loss to me and us all. We will all miss you so much and please make sure the big feller's car in heaven is modded to your standards and not of us mere mortals!

Here a some pictures of the great man and his family and friends would appreciate any stories you would care to share along with any pictures of his work.

Rest Easy mate





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I'm sure the first time I met Perry was at the same meet as Bubba - one of the first meets held by CCUK, close to Billing Aquadrome nearly 5 years ago. It soon became apparent that this bloke was something else - he'd already taken the Dremel to his Gen7 and installed some better rear foglights and started altering the interior. How little we realised what heights Perry would reach in modifying cars at the time.

Perry's philosophy about modifying seemed to be "It CAN be done and I WILL do it myself" - with better results achieved than the professionals at garages. A wizzard with the Dremel his work was always spot on. His nights spent on E-Bay and the internet in general, scouring the world for that unique mod he wanted, for that inspiration, or just for that special impulse buy will always be remembered. As will his justifaction of everything being included in his "£50 mod rule". His legacy is that there are 4 highly modified cars out there that anyone would be proud of owning and many, many people (myself included) have been inspired, and continue to be inspired by him.

Here's a few photo,s from my collection - none of the Faff or Boxster I'm afraid.

The first one was taken at meet when some of us met Perry for the first time - already the changes had started. All the Gen 7 owners and myself were inspired after this meet and only one of the cars seen in this photo remains the same (Bassmans Black Gen 6).

The line up from right to left is -

Garry 190 - inspired by Perry and too all extent, became competetion for Perry

Perry - already the foglights and spoiler had changed.

Bubba - yes, his old Celica WAS Black and standard at this point

Jag - started the slippery slope of the darkside after this meet

Guam - had already started but was still inspired by Perry to reach further

Me - I could only dream of doing what Perry had done



The next photo was taken at the Brighton Bash - held to celebrate the first year of CCUK. Bear in mind this was less than a year after we first met @ Billing and the changes to Perry's Gen 7 are clearly evident.


Now we have the SAME car @ the Traxx meet, If my memory serves me correctly, approx 6 months after the Brighton Bash.


And finally the Roadster at the Essex meet.


Edited by johny

Having never met Perry190, i feel slightly out of place posting but i would like very much to pass on my condolences and respect.


I first saw that car at last years JAE - when I saw it on the GT4OC stand I was like "Bloody Hell, a lot of work went into that". Frodo said "That was Perry's car". Kind of sums Perry's work up really - inspirational.

Guest CraigR

Nathan (SevenofNine) text me to tell me of Perry passing away, because I hardly get to come on here anymore due to work committments. However, I did feel I needed to come on to pass on my condolences to Perry's family and anyone that knew him.

Besides the fantasic cars Perry had modded over the years I will always remember Perry for the person he was - A very friendly, smiling guy that would help anyone if he had the time.

RIP Perry.



i never met perry, my bad luck. but had the honor of talking to him through e-mails, seemed such a nice and cheerful person. it is indeed a great loss, i was hoping to learn so much from him.........but i guess we all have to go there some time........

i would like to contribute in any way to pay a tribute to him......

Guest Schtu

Couple more shots of the MR2 Roadster for now . . .


Taken at the Herts / Essex BBQ back in 2004 ;)


And some scans of the feature in Banzai of his blue Gen 7 (I know it was technically Griffie's car at this point but the Lion's share of the work that got it the 6 page spread was Pezza's :blush: )





I'd met Perry many times over the 5 years we had been celica club members, at local meets and national shows, he was a very likable guy & easy to talk to ,and would make new members at meets very welcome ,a true gent and one in a million.

He was a true master at his craft of modding, and a true master and being a top bloke and someone i will never forget.....god bless you mate.


Just going through the pictures from our last Euro trip to the South of France back in September last year. I can't really tell you how difficult going through these has been. Not really had time to think about it until now and it's finally hitting home. The guy really was a legend and in a way a surrogate dad to many of us - I know he inspired me to do the mods I've done on Rufus and I always wanted his 'approval' with any of the mods I did. So much 'The Modfather'.

Anyway, here's the pics -

Enjoying the open roads of France with the top down, I know he always felt free...


A good blast is always good for clearing the cobwebs...


The big smile says it all...


And having a beer with the lads...



Always admiring the views...


And finally the man himself, laid back and enjoying life as always...


Rest in peace mate, gonna miss you big time :blush:

Posted (edited)

I can not believe this great guy has passed away, i was only on here a couple of weeks ago admiring his new project and talking to him about what he ahd instore for his new beast .

Im gutted to be honest , the guy helped me out a few times and was always friendly

His cars will live on as a memory to a great person who without him some of us wouldn t have the ideas to complete our cars.

Rest in peace mate your the master modmaster

my sincere appologys to your family

Edited by rayve

Hi All, I Hardly know where to start with this, firstly Thanks to the admins and mods for giving me temp posting privilidges to respond on these two threads , Also my deepest thanks for Bubba for notifying me this morning of Perry's Passing.

I first Encountered Perry on this very Club, and he and I pretty much hit it off instantly. I was taken by his direct no nonsense approach to life and his flair in being able to picture a car in his head and see the outcome in his minds Eye, coupled with a great deal of practical skill. Talking over modding cars with him was one of the high points of my life in recent years. He was always prpared to help anyone and was a rare example of someone who could be competitive in a positive and non destructive manner. I will never forget the two year modding war I had with him on this board and it was even money at one point which of us would go broke first :blush:

The memories I have of Meets Like Brighton, The Eurotrip, and the Wedding in Slough will remain with me always.

HE was the rarest of guys genorous, giving, uncomprimising in his approach to life and a great wit and raconteur. I cannot think of a moments boredom I ever spent in his company, on or off this forum. Like me he had little time for "numpties" as he would call them and believed whilst everyone was entitled to an opinion it had better be based on fact and provable LOL.

I formed Paintshield directly as a result of Perry and our many hours of discussions about what to do with these flaming bodykits and the paint getting screwed up and It was Perry who introduced me to the concept of the clear bra (as the Americans called it) without Perry in my Life I would not now have a company trading in Sixteen countries around the world.

I owe him much more than I could ever express in words. Perry you will be missed by so many its just not funny, Your zest for life, your knowledge your encourangement all had a massive impact on my life and enjoyment of it. Thank you for everything MATEY, I owe you big time. You were a prince among men and I doubt I shall see your kind again anytime soon.

My Deepest Condolences to all his Friends and Family, The world is a much darker place today and is likely to remain so for some little while

BYE Buddy it was a privilige to have known You




To say I'm stunned is an understatement, I was only chatting with Perry on Thursday or Friday last week.

Perry probably and without evening knowing it was the main reason my car has got to where it is today. When I first came on the site about 3 1/2 years ago there were a few inspirational cars knocking about, but it always seemed that Perry had taken it to the next level. What made him such an inspiration was as has been mentioned his DIY attitude. Having seen what he was capable of, doing the work himself, inspired me to my own mods myself.

Perry sold his Celica shortly after I joined the club, and then purchased the MR2 yet continued to visit the club on a regular basis to contribute. Whenever I wanted advice, or to talk through something Perry was always there willing to help; as I'm sure he was with many of the others on here.

I was fortunate enough to meet Perry in person at JAE where he was driving the fully modded MR2 even though it seemed he'd only had it about 5 mins. Here's another picture of it in it's fully glory.


I would happily give up a few weekends or a weeks holiday to help with the completion of his final project if whomever is organising it would like to get in touch. In the meantime I shall try my hardest to restore to its original standard the install that Perry built that I have recently aquired.

My sympathy goes to all his family, he will be sorely missed.


Holy shit. RIP Perry.

We might not have seen eye to eye on a few things over the years, but we always had some fantastic banter and he will be truly, truly missed.

If you exhumed his body in 20 years, there'll be nowt left but a couple of titanium bowling balls rolling around. We saw him use them on countless occasions around here!

Rest in peace.


I didnt know perry myself but from reading this and mooks thread I can see what a much loved and respected man he was and that in its self has chocked me up.

Quite fitting that perry had such an interest in Celicas, as im sure many of you know the name Celica comes from the latin celico meaning from the heavens. Perhaps you could say he has now returned.

My respects to his family


Holy Crap. One of the most honest, down to earth people I've ever had the pleasure of talking with on this forum. His ideas and creativity are responsible for so many members cars here. People like him made this club.

My sincere condolences to his family and friends.


Guest Schtu

Have informed Marky of Perry's passing and he has asked me to post the following on his behalf due to his Membership expiring:

News was passed to me by a fellow member about the loss.

Rest in peace Perry.

You will always be remembered.

Marky and Laura x


Sorry to hear this sad news…

Although I never knew him personally, I give my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

RIP Perry


Another ex member tribute, a message from me matey Martin (username latebraker2003) :

"Even though i didnt know Perry personally, i was very sad to hear the news when Carl B told me on Sunday evening. By all accounts he was a genuine top bloke. I met Perry twice and both times he made time to chat to me about my car rather than be totally big-headed and expect people to just want to talk about his car. Even though his ideas on modifying were largely different to mine i have nothing but the utmost respect for his enthusuiasm and genuine pioneering spirit. I remember him saying to me at JAE that he reckoned he could find something good about 99% of modified cars. I have to say i thought that attitude is highly admirable as you could tell he meant it, even though i dont think i could say the same thing myself!

Rest in peace Perry.

As has been said before, you will be missed by more people than you can imagine.


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